deadlifts low reps

Advanced 5 x 5 Workouts for Muscle and Strength Gains

One of the best programs for getting strong, fast is the 5 x 5 workout. It’s almost as good as compound interest…gains on top of gains! (eh, I’m famous for bad puns) This method has been used for decades by top powerlifters and strength training athletes. Even some bodybuilders will use 5×5 in their offseason…

jason stallworth themuscleprogram mass gains

8 Week Bodybuilding Workout Program for Mass Gains

Building muscle mass is simple. Seriously, many people over-complicate the process. And many will stray from the basics of gaining size by going with some new workout trend. Look, most trends suck. At least when it comes to working out. I’m all for innovative ideas, but when it comes to bodybuilding, there’s just some basic…

post workout supplements for mass gains

My 3 Recommended Post Workout Supplements for Mass Gains

If you want to get the most muscle gains out of your workouts, you must give your body what it needs to recover and grow. ​ In this post, I’m going to give you my 3 best post-workout supplements for mass. You’ll also learn why these supplements work so well for mass gains, and you’ll…

hardgainer jason stallworth at 17

Eating Big to Gain Muscle: My Personal Story as a Hardgainer

You train hard. You never miss a workout. You’re consistent and even have the right mindset, but you’re just not gaining muscle mass.  Here’s the truth: If you wanna get big, you have to eat big.  You can lift all day, every day. But if you’re not eating enough calories, you’re not going to make…

lat pulldowns for huge and ripped back

3 Powerful Tips on How to Make Your Back Muscles Stand Out

You’ve been training for a while and you’ve built a big chest and decent size arms. Heck, you even have those teardrops in your quad muscles.  But the one muscle you lack that visible definition is your back.  In this post, I’m going to show you how to make your back muscles stand out with…

best bodybuilding supplement stack for mass gains

Best Bodybuilding Supplement Stack for Mass

You train hard, lift heavy, and eat ‘mass’ amounts of protein, and now you wanna take your gains to the next level! The other part of the muscle mass equation is supplements. And in this post, I’m going to show you the best bodybuilding supplement stack for mass. I’ll also explain what each supplement does…

barbell rows reverse grip

Push-Pull-Legs Workout: 6-Day Routine for Mass and Strength

There’s one workout routine that I go back to a few times a year when I feel I need to break past a plateau and build more muscle. It’s the Push-Pull-Legs workout. Chance are you’ve heard of this workout, but I’m going to give you a completely new way approach to this training style. So…

48 hour fast why bodybuilders should fast

48 Hour Fast: Why Bodybuilders and Weightlifters Should Fast

Upon writing this post, I had recently undergone a 48 hour fast and wanted to share my personal experience. As a disclaimer, I’m not recommending that you do or don’t do this. This is just my take on it, and I’ll walk you through both the good and bad. Funny thing is I’m writing this…