Sumo Deadlift Workout Routine (For Those Who Aren’t Good At Deadlifts)

Sumo Deadlift Workout Routine (For Those Who Aren’t Good At Deadlifts)

Some people are naturally strong at exercises like sumo deadlifts. For the rest of us, we have to work harder at them. But one thing is for sure if you don’t have a plan and if you’re not consistent, then you will have a tough time making strength gains. In this post, I’m going to…

Why Bodybuilders Should Do Squats and Deadlifts

Why Bodybuilders Should Do Squats and Deadlifts

If you are or aspire to be a bodybuilder, your ultimate goal is to build defined muscle mass. This means shaping the muscle, which requires using techniques that are opposite of training for strength. In fact, strength gains are an afterthought. But does this mean that bodybuilders shouldn’t focus on exercises like heavy squats and…