TruFIERCE: Supplements to Build Muscle and Get Ripped

TruFIERCE: Supplements to Build Muscle and Get Ripped

I’m currently testing a new line of supplements from TruFIERCE. I’ve been taking their pre-workout for 3 weeks now and really loving the results so far. I’m also testing their fat burner, which really does a great job at appetite suppression. I’ll be starting their testosterone booster in a few weeks (I space these out…

jason's instant knockout review maintain muscle while cutting

Instant Knockout Review: Maintain Muscle While Cutting

Let me start by saying I am not a fan of fat burners.  Why?  Because most of them focus on the wrong thing (I’ll explain this later)…or they simply don’t work.  That said, this will probably be the only fat burner review you see on The Muscle Program! I’m going to give you my complete…

lean muscle building supplements for getting shredded

Best Supplement Stack for Getting Ripped and Cut

In this post, I’m going to share with you the 4 best supplements for lean muscle. As a bonus, I’m also going to tell you what supplements not to buy so that you save your hard-earned money! These supplements are for you if your goal is to… Get leaner without losing muscle Prep for a bodybuilding…