Workout Routine: Skinny-Fat Muscle Building Plan (Part 1 of 3)

Workout Routine: Skinny-Fat Muscle Building Plan (Part 1 of 3)

The most undesirable body type is skinny-fat. The typical look is skinny arms and legs with a big belly. And there’s hardly any muscular development in the chest and shoulders with some added back-fat. I know what you’re thinking… ‘It sucks to be me!’ You may have tried working out but you just didn’t get…

How to Use Supersets for Ripped Muscle Gains: 4 Types of Supersets

How to Use Supersets for Ripped Muscle Gains: 4 Types of Supersets

You train hard for muscle gains but the worst thing that can happen is for your muscles to be hidden by layers of fat. Obviously what you eat plays a huge role in this. But did you know there are some little adjustments you can make to your training that will help you continue building…

Best Supplement Stack for Getting Ripped and Cut

Best Supplement Stack for Getting Ripped and Cut

In this post, I’m going to share with you the 4 best supplements for lean muscle. As a bonus, I’m also going to tell you what supplements not to buy so that you save your hard-earned money! These supplements are for you if your goal is to… Get leaner without losing muscle Prep for a bodybuilding…