lift heavy without injury

How to Lift Heavy Without Injury – 5 Methods

How many weightlifters and bodybuilders have you seen that can barely walk or are hunched over and have a hard time moving? Perhaps this is you. And it’s not just older folks. You’ve probably seen younger lifters that suffer from things like knee, elbow, or lower back pain from lifting heavy. But the problem isn’t…

Negative Rep Training

Gain More Muscle and Strength with Negative Rep Training (Full Workout Routine)

Building muscle is all about feeling your muscles working. There’s a ‘huge’ difference between that and just lifting a bunch of weight from point A to B. In fact, that’s the main difference between bodybuilding versus strength training. And it’s often said you need to focus on either building muscle or getting stronger, but not…

How to Squat Properly - Squat Mistakes

6 Common Squat Mistakes to Avoid and How to Correct Them

Countless bodybuilders and strength training athletes have crowned squats as the king of exercises. There’s a good reason for that. Doing squats will help you pack on some serious muscle mass. And they help you gain overall strength, even on your other lifts. But the problem is there are some mistakes that will keep you…

Jason Stallworth 405 bench

How to Increase Your Bench, Squat, and Deadlift: Critical Bench Program 2.0 Review

Are you stuck at a 225-pound bench press? Or maybe it’s 145? Or 315? I know, it’s frustrating! In this post, I’m going to show you several ways how you can increase your bench press in my review of what I consider the top strength training program on the planet, Critical Bench 2.0. Oh, and it’s…

deadlifts low reps

Advanced 5 x 5 Workouts for Muscle and Strength Gains

One of the best programs for getting strong, fast is the 5 x 5 workout. It’s almost as good as compound interest…gains on top of gains! (eh, I’m famous for bad puns) This method has been used for decades by top powerlifters and strength training athletes. Even some bodybuilders will use 5×5 in their offseason…

barbell rows reverse grip

Push-Pull-Legs Workout: 6-Day Routine for Mass and Strength

There’s one workout routine that I go back to a few times a year when I feel I need to break past a plateau and build more muscle. It’s the Push-Pull-Legs workout. Chance are you’ve heard of this workout, but I’m going to give you a completely new way approach to this training style. So…