5 bodybuilding nutrition mistakes

5 Bodybuilding Diet Mistakes and Myths (How to Fix Them)

The goal of any bodybuilder, whether pro or recreational, is to build lean muscle while cutting fat, or at least keeping body fat minimal. And the only way to achieve this is through nutrition. You can kill the weights in the gym but if you’re not providing your body with the proper nutrients (and amounts!)…

guide to calculating macros and calories for muscle gains

Simple Guide to Calculating Calories and Macros for Building Muscle

You want to take your physique to the next level and see just how much muscle you can gain while keeping your body fat low. And you know you need to dig into calories and macros.   But the problem is tracking and keeping with this stuff can be downright stressful. On top of that,…

pre-workout meal protein with oats

Baked Protein Powder with Oats Pre-Workout Bodybuilding Meal Recipe

You know that you have to replenish your body after your workout with certain types of protein and carbs, but what are you supposed to eat before you workout? In this post, I’m going to share with you the perfect pre-workout bodybuilding meal. *I’m also going to give you some different variations of this meal…

skinny fat muscle building meal plan

Meal Plan: Skinny-Fat Muscle Building Plan (Part 2 of 3)

If you have the problem with being skinny-fat, the first thing you need to do is eliminate the word ‘diet.’ That may sound counterintuitive, but that’s actually part of the problem. Instead, I want you to think ‘meal plan.’ And here’s why… Diet = restricting calories – this is why you are skinny-fat! (I’ll explain…

Foods that Boost GH and Build Muscle

Foods that Boost Growth Hormone and Build Muscle

If there’s one thing that’s the most crucial for gaining muscle it’s growth hormone. Boosting growth hormone levels not only helps you build muscle but it also helps many other functions in your body, which we’ll cover in detail later. But how do you boost growth hormone? Do you have to take a supplement to…

Food labels

8 Food Label Deceptions: What to Look for in Foods to Build Quality Muscle Mass

You have to eat to pack on muscle mass. In fact, you have to eat a lot. But you already know that. The problem is that food labels can sometimes be deceiving. And because you have to eat so much food for size and strength, it can be difficult to eat healthy all of the…

post workout nutrition plan

Your New Post-Workout Nutrition Strategy for Muscle Gains: Post-Workout Plan

No matter what type of nutrition plan you’re on the most important meal of the day is your post-workout meal. This is especially crucial if you’re doing bodybuilding workouts. I’ll explain why, later. Chances are, you already gulp down a protein shake with carbs as soon as you get home from the gym. That’s awesome,…