8 Week Bodybuilding Workout Program for Mass Gains
Building muscle mass is simple. Seriously, many people over-complicate the process. And many will stray from the basics of gaining size by going with some new workout trend.
Look, most trends suck. At least when it comes to working out. I’m all for innovative ideas, but when it comes to bodybuilding, there’s just some basic exercises and techniques you cannot ignore, no matter what the new wave of ‘experts’ say!
So in this post, I’m going to give you my old school, anti-trend, proven-to-be-effective 8-week bodybuilding workout plan!
Best Type Of Workout For Gaining Mass
Gaining mass requires more than just lifting heavyweights. Now, don’t get me wrong, going heavy is necessary. And you will be doing some heavy lifting in this bodybuilding workout.
But for true muscle mass gains, you need more than that. Otherwise, powerlifters would look like bodybuilders (and let’s be honest…they don’t).
So what’s the best type of workout for gaining mass?
A workout that incorporates heavy compound exercises with a mix of isolation exercises and overall volume (more sets and reps). I’ll explain why below, but first let’s take a look at what a simple bodybuilding workout look like.
Here’s an example of a basic bodybuilding back workout:
- Barbell Rows: 4 x 4-6
- Dumbbell Rows: 4 x 6-8
- Seated Rows: 4 x 8 (drop set on final set)
- Lat Pulldowns: 4 x 10 (drop set on final set)
As you can see, you’re building the strength and dense muscle with barbell rows, and staying heavy with the dumbbell rows.
But then you start merging into exercises and techniques that will pump more blood into your muscles, break down the muscle tissue, and help you pack on size. There’s also some added intensity for the drop sets.
8-Week Bodybuilding Workout Program
Are you ready to start a real bodybuilding workout program? This is one of my personal 8-week workout programs for gaining mass.
Keep in mind when say mass I don’t mean merely gaining weight or getting fat. In other words, don’t use the excuse…
‘I’m on a bulking cycle, bro…it’s ok if I eat whatever I want!’
Your goal is to build both muscle size and get to (or maintain) a certain level of muscle definition. And this is why the program is split up into 2 phases…
This 8-week bodybuilding workout program is split up into 2 phases.
- Phase I: Mass and Strength Gains (weeks 1-4)
- Phase II: Muscle Mass and Definition (weeks 5-8)
Phase I: Mass and Strength Workouts (Weeks 1-4)

Your first 4 weeks are going to be all about building a solid foundation of mass and strength. Whether you’re new to bodybuilding or you’ve been in this game for a while, these workouts will simply help you pack on some serious size.
You’ll be training 5 days a week, and here’s what you’re schedule will look like:
- Monday: Back
- Tuesday: Chest
- Wednesday: Legs
- Thursday: Shoulders
- Friday: Deadlifts and Arms
Back Workout
Exercise | Sets x Reps |
Barbell Rows | 4 x 6-8 |
Dumbbell Rows | 4 x 8 |
**Unilateral Seated Rows | 4 x 8-10 |
Lat Pulldowns | 3 x 10-12 |
Cable Pullovers | 3 x 12-15 |
**Unilateral is where you have resistance on both arms (pulled back in this case), and you extend one arm out in the negative position while maintaining the other arm in the pulled position. You can also use the Hammer Strength or any machine that allows dual movement.
You’ll be doing unilateral exercises for chest and shoulders as well.
Chest Workout
Exercise | Sets x Reps |
Bench Press | 4 x 6-8 |
Incline Bench Press | 4 x 8 |
Unilateral Incline Dumbbell Press | 4 x 8-10 |
Dumbbell Flyes | 3 x 10-12 |
Cable Flyes | 3 x 12-15 |
Leg Workout
Exercise | Sets x Reps |
Squats | 4 x 6-8 |
Leg Press | 4 x 12 |
Stiff-Leg Deadlift | 4 x 12 |
Leg Extensions | 4 x 15 |
Leg Curls | 4 x 15 |
Standing or Seated Calve Raises | 7 x 15 |
Shoulder Workout
Exercise | Sets x Reps |
Seated Barbell Press | 4 x 6-8 |
Unilateral Seated Dumbbell Press | 4 x 8 |
Lateral Raises | 3 x 10 |
Bent-Over Raises | 3 x 10 |
Dumbbell Shrugs | 3 x 12 |
Deadlifts and Arm Workout
Exercise | Sets x Reps |
Deadlifts | 4 x 6-8 |
Skull Crushers | 3 x 8 |
Barbell Curls | 3 x 8 |
Rope Pressdowns | 3 x 10 |
Dumbbell Hammer Curls | 3 x 10 |
Phase II: Muscle Mass and Definition Workouts (Weeks 5-8)

Your final 4 weeks are going to shift a little into gaining more muscle definition while maintaining the mass you’ve gained and perhaps gaining even more size.
You will still be doing your heavy compound exercises (I personally believe that no matter what phase of training you’re in, you always need to keep your core mass building exercises in your program).
But you’re going to notice that your reps are going to increase during this phase.
Your goal now shifts to pumping more blood into the muscle, and making sure your muscles are exhausted so that they can recover and grow (I’ll also give you some nutrition and supplement tips for faster mass gains after the workouts here).
You’ll still train 5 days a week in Phase II:
- Monday: Chest and Biceps
- Tuesday: Legs
- Wednesday: Back
- Thursday: Shoulders and Triceps
- Friday: Legs
You’ll also notice that you’re working leg twice a week. This is because legs are your largest muscle group. Working them more will not only help you gain more size but you’ll also burn more calories because of the ‘mass effort’ that training legs take.
You can read more benefits about training legs more often in my post: Training Legs Twice A Week: Full Routine For Muscular Legs
Chest and Biceps Workout
Exercise | Sets x Reps |
Incline Bench Press | 4 x 6-8 |
Dumbbell Press | 4 x 8 |
**Incline Dumbbell Flyes (drop set on final set) | 4 x 10 |
Cable Flyes (drop set on final set) | 3 x 12 |
Alternate Dumbbell Curls | 3 x 10 |
Preacher Curls (drop set on final set) | 3 x 12 |
**You’ll be doing drop sets throughout all of weeks 5-8. This is where you perform a set, and immediately do another set with reduced weight (by about 30%).
Drop sets will pump more blood into the muscle and you’ll achieve massive pumps, which will equate to more size and definition.
Leg Workout
Exercise | Sets x Reps |
Squats | 4 x 6-8 |
Leg Press | 4 x 8 |
Stiff-Leg Deadlifts | 3 x 8 |
Leg Extensions (drop set on final set) | 5 x 10 |
Leg Curls (drop set on final set) | 5 x 10 |
Standing or Seated Calve Raises | 7 x 15 |
Back Workout
Exercise | Sets x Reps |
Barbell Rows | 4 x 6-8 |
Dumbbell Rows | 4 x 10 |
Seated Rows | 4 x 10 |
Lat Pulldowns (drop set on final set) | 4 x 12 |
*Reverse Grip Barbell Rows (drop set on final set) | 7 x 15 |
* That ‘7‘ under sets is not a typo. This is similar to Hany Rambod’s FST-7 training concept. You can apply this to all muscles but it’s crucial for back that you get more training volume, pump more blood into the muscle, and stretch the muscle fascia.
You can check out my full FST-7 style workout program in this post: FST-7 Mass Building Workout.
Shoulders and Triceps Workout
Exercise | Sets x Reps |
Seated Barbell Press | 4 x 6-8 |
Arnold Press | 4 x 8 |
Barbell Shrugs (drop set on final set) | 4 x 10 |
Lateral Raises (drop set on final set) | 3 x 12 |
Weight Dips | 3 x 10 |
Cable Pressdowns (drop set on final set) | 3 x 12 |
Leg Workout
Exercise | Sets x Reps |
Deadlifts | 4 x 6-8 |
Front Squats | 4 x 8 |
Good Mornings | 3 x 8 |
Leg Extensions (drop set on final set) | 5 x 10 |
Leg Curls (drop set on final set) | 5 x 10 |
Standing or Seated Calve Raises | 7 x 15 |
Bodybuilding Workout Plan Nutrition and Supplements
You can follow this 8-week bodybuilding workout program religiously, but if you don’t give your muscles what they need to recover, they simply will not grow.
This program would not be complete without giving you some guidance in those areas. And fortunately, nutrition and supplements are simple (though many overcomplicate this!).
Bodybuilding Nutrition for Mass Gains

If there’s one part where most fail at bodybuilding it’s the diet. Now, this post is more about the 8 week bodybuilding workout program (the weight training part), so I’m not going to go in depth with nutrition.
The good news is I really don’t have to. Because eating for bodybuilding not complex. At least it shouldn’t be!
I will give you some basic rules for bodybuilding nutrition that will complement this weight training program:
- Do NOT fall into the trap of trendy or fad diets!
- Yes, you need all 3: Protein, carbs, and fats
- Eat 5-6 medium size meals per day
- Make sure you eat plenty of protein and carbs immediately after your workouts
- Don’t overeat, and don’t undereat (listen to your body, and just be honest with yourself)
Stick with those basic bodybuilding nutrition rules during this workout program and you’ll be just fine!
**Be sure you check out my meal plans for mass and strength gains on this post: Meal Plans for Mass and Strength Gains
Bodybuilding Supplements for Mass Gains
Let’s be real…there’s a ton of supplements for mass out there. But let me break this down for you and help you save money. Because you and I both know that you can spend an entire paycheck on Bodybuilding.com or Amazon buying bodybuilding supplements.
Here’s all you need to start with:
- Whey protein powder (for post workout and between meals)
- Creatine Monohydrate (pre and post workout)
- Multivitamin (take with any meal; I take mine with my post workout shake)
That’s it! Keep it super (or stupid, as they say in the KISS method) simple and you can make some awesome mass gains with just these supplements, and not break the bank!
**If you want to take it to the next level and learn more about my recommended supplements for mass gains, check out my post: Best Supplement Stack for Mass Gains
Post Program – What Workout Program To Do Next
You may be wondering what to do after you finish this 8 week bodybuilding workout program. There are a few different options…
- Take a week off, or deload (workout light) for a week
- Start the program over again!
- Use this program as a template to create your own
- Start a new workout program (see below for more)
The most proven concept for building muscle continuously is periodization. In short, this means changing your workouts after several weeks. Our muscles adapt to the same thing, so it’s important to make these changes.
**Also check out my premium 12-week programs below:
Train with Passion,